EE Hobbs

800-283 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B5

Working with First Nations Since 1984Working with First Nations Since 1984Working with First Nations Since 1984Working with First Nations Since 1984Working with First Nations Since 1984Home Working with First Nations since 1984, Hobbs and Associates is an industry leader, providing a comprehensive range of consulting services to achieve our clients' goals. Our offices are located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.Our company draws on a multi-disciplinary network of professional associates to assemble expert teams on a project by project basis. We specialize in providing strategic advice and advanced negotiation support in the areas of resource development, claim settlement, employment creation, economic and social development, and partnership agreements. Read our comprehensive range of services to see how we can help you to effectively implement your vision.We have worked with over 25 First Nations communities and organizations in Canada. Our solid record of success is a product of our ability to work together with our clients to develop project goals and effective plans to reach them.

EE Hobbs - 800-283 Portage Ave, Winnipeg MB

Située au 800-283 Portage Ave à Winnipeg, EE Hobbs est une entreprise dans la catégorie administration - conseillers du site

Téléphonez au 204-947-9243 pour rejoindre EE Hobbs, qui est une compagnie se trouvant à proximité.

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Pour plus de détails, veuillez nous contacter au 204-947-9243.